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We see this all the time pictures of people that are posting up their vacations, their new cars, Posting pictures of them every single place that they go with a smile. And they take a lot of pictures while you’re out having a great time with your friends and your family your stopping every every couple of minutes ,you’re taking pictures right then and there and you’re putting them on social media.

Just explain to me how exactly you’re enjoying the The moment that you are in?
I have a friend that takes pictures of the meal she’s about to eat, of us when we sit down to eat it ,of us when we were walking to where we have to go .In an hour of being with her she must have taken at least 10 pictures and posted them on her social media page. In the middle of each conversation we were having it was kind of annoying for her to say ” wait..hold on let me get a pic really quick”. And even though I did have a nice time with her it took away from well basically anything we’re talking .

I understand Facebook is great for sharing your activities with your friends and family who are also with you and those who are far away anyone a way to communicate with them all the time …I get it. Then you have the show offs. Do I really need to know the you have a 6 bedroom house? And when you’re posting these pictures on Facebook while you are in Italy do I really need to know? Not that I’m gonna go breaking into your house ..but may be somebody else will?
I see hashtags#Ilovemylife#I am blessed#thisisthelife. If you love your life so much why do you need to remind yourself and remind everyone around you? I mean, It’s kind of silly don’t you think? To me when I see people doing this it’s almost like they’re showing off to somebody and they want to send a message to somebody that may be they let go in the past or they want to send the message to somebody to let them know how wonderful and successful they are now and they’re reading all of this nonsense.

Another thing I see a lot of on social media are relationships that are Like snow white and Prince charming on Facebook. I see these couples kissing, holding hands, traveling, celebrating anniversaries, going out to dinner, but the reality of a lot of these cases are not what they appear to be. For instance I have this one friend who completely hates her husband and she is constantly calling and texting me telling me all of his faults and she tells this to other people as well but on Facebook they are the happiest couple ever. She’s in the process of talking to a divorce lawyer but on social media she writes things like how much she loves him and how people thought they will never stay together this long… She’s even talked to me about moving to another country to get away from him so why put up a persona of something that you’re not?
I’m not saying that everyone on social media does this but the fact that people are doing this and we know what’s really going on it’s a bit disturbing makes me wonder how real that person is and makes me really think about why on Earth are they being so fake? If you want people to think that your life is absolutely superb and wonderful then just stay off of social media and let people wonder don’t write a bunch of lies and bull shit on there because it makes you look really silly when there are people out there who know the real you.

Another woman on social media puts pictures of her and her family under vacations. It’s great that she’s on vacation But when her house is broken into my summer and investigation determined add it was Facebook related.
It’s almost like a popularity contest in high school to see who has the most friends and who goes the most places and who has more and  travels and whose life is better whose life is more blessed.

I’m very private on social media and I don’t put those things up.. I do put a couple of things here and there but I like keeping to myself.  I don’t put every sum of things I do on social media.
Social media is a wonderful amazing thing to utilize its just funny to see The purpose that some people use it for

Why do you know this this about the fakeness on social media?


4 thoughts on “#Myblessedlife- THE FAKE FACEBOOK LIFE

  1. Social media is slowing killing us, our relationships with actual people, making us hollow..
    Thanks for sharing this… truly inspiring… People should pay more and more attention to their actual life rather than hiding behind the facade of their virtual ones…


    1. Rishav,
      Thank you for inspiration!!
      I agree that people are not paying attention to their actual lives and living in the moment.
      It’s ok to post on social media after the event…we need to live in the moment!

      Liked by 2 people

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